Saturday, August 28, 2010

My 800th Entry.

I can’t believe I’ve written this many entries so far. And by that, I mean I can’t believe I forced myself to write long-form on this damn blog 800 times. Maybe I’ll just use Shakey's Pizza marquees for the next 100.

For now, as is tradition, my five favorite entries since the last century mark:

Greetings From The New Shevin Family. I’m not sure which was more of a relief to remove: the Blue Man paint, or the wedding ring. Grab the jaws-of-life and go here.

The Cure For The Common Commercial Withdrawal. One more automotive tip I’ve learned: limit the sexting to only during red lights. Peek under the hood here.

Fiesta Hermosa In Hermosa Beach: A Blackberry® Photo Gallery. Apparently, I love a good photo gallery almost as much as I hate aquatic-themed art. Dive in here.

The Pilot Shoot: Day One. FYI: the Forum seat fits perfectly into a car trunk. Aid and abet me here.

The Ringling Brothers Circus: A Blackberry® Photo Gallery. If Toyota had given away the elephant flop, it would have been an upgrade. Enter to win here.