Saturday, April 16, 2011

My 1000th Entry: A Two-Day Extravaganza. Part I.

Three years ago, I made a promise that if I got to 1000 entries on this blog, I would show everyone my breasts.

I reneg. Instead, in part I, I will go traditional, and choose my favorite posts from the last 100:

Day 4: The Change Of Seasons Can Suck My Ass. Final tally: 16 inches shoveled. Little brother still in one piece after snapping my pic. Glare along here.

Have Heroes. Corey Booker is going to be President some day, just after the Republicans try to swift-boat him for reading my blog. Pile on here.

I Dedicate This To My One True Love: The Ladies. Unlike Dr. Laura, I give helpful dating advice. Also unlike her, I shave my bush. Yeah I said it. Go here.

Best Co-Star Ever. After this shoot, I chastised Petey for a week for having no profitable talent. Check out my TV son here.

Weekend In Mammoth: An iPhone™ Photo Gallery. My need to criticize others in order to feel better about myself never takes a vacation. Join in the judgment here.