Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hell Yeah, Hottie.

LA is one pedestrian-friendly town. The city is chock full of mid-street, stoplight-free crosswalks, and the law says you damn well better stop your car if someone starts crossing. I have no problem with that as long as the crossers shake a leg. Unfortunately, this town is also loaded with herds of walking mozzarella sticks who think that the right of way gives them the right to take as long they damn well please. And all I can do is grip my steering wheel a little tighter and think, “God, are you punishing me because my hair is better than yours?”

When I’m on foot, I don’t care if I’m wearing a suit and tie – if I’m crossing, I’m running. Every time. If drivers are cool enough to obey the law and stop, I’m not gonna hold them up. And neither was the woman above, who couldn’t have been a day younger than 92. When this goddess crossed the street yesterday, she said to hell with the osteoporosis and just motored. I love her.

Let’s all take a page out of this total babe’s book and do likewise. You’ll get where you’re going faster and I won’t have to hose you off my SUV’s grill.