Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let The Weaning Begin.

Two days before I tore ligaments in my finger, I dove for a ball in the outfield and my knee wound up swelling up like a grapefruit. At the end of that week, I realized that accidents shouldn’t keep happening over and over again. This isn’t budget daycare.

So I took my hand specialist’s advisement to heart and haven’t worked out or played ball since then. And yesterday I went to see him and he said I’m making enough progress that I can cut down the splint wearing to only during the day. Heck yeah.

The knee still feels like it’s on fire, so that’s next on the to-do list. But one thing I learned from my finger is you can’t force your fate – you just have to let it wash over you, like a spray tan that won’t take because your skin is too oily. Words to heal by.