Saturday, May 28, 2011

He’ll Be Missed.

Lately, it seemed as if Jeff Conaway had been forgotten in a hot car by his supposed friends Judd Hirsch and Tony Danza.

The acting gigs had dried up, except for whatever craziness he embellished on reality shows. (Because there is no “reality” in reality shows – it’s all contrived. Right? Right.)

But back in the day, Jeff Conaway was a damn good actor, and every woman’s crush. He hit it out of the park weekly on “Taxi,” and I choose to remember him that way. And you’ll see what I mean when you watch the above episode, in which Jeff’s character impersonates/becomes a more suave version of Danny DeVito’s character Louie, and takes Louie's place at his high school reunion when he's too ashamed to attend.

Jeff followed Danny around the entire week they shot this, nailing his persona, and wound up severely hurting his groin while rehearsing the dance scene. But Jeff was a trooper, and powered through the taping in pain, managing to do splits and lots more. Check it out.