Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Drugging Your Pit Bull’s Ice Cream: A Four-Step Process.

We had an all-out barf-o-rama here recently – five times Saturday, and an encore yesterday afternoon. The vet prescribed a lot of pills for a lot of days, and while I’d like to just shove them down Pete’s throat, he gets stubborn. And when prying his mouth open isn’t an option (a Pit has the strongest jaws of any dog – 1500 pounds per square inch) I gotta go to Plan V: a pint of vanilla.

1) Early birthday hint: I’d love to get one of those oversized rings that hides poison in it.

2) Sucka. It’s actually kinda fun. When else in life do you actually get slip someone a mickey?

3) Serious ice-cream headache.

4) No operating heavy machinery for at least 24 hours.