Thursday, February 7, 2019


Car companies try to impress me, but “German engineering” is why I don’t have so many cousins today.

I drive American, and try to act American. When the guys at Jiffy Lube told me my air filter needed to be changed, I told them I could do it myself. I had no idea if I actually could, but whenever I’m faced with a difficult mechanical task, I think: The idiots I went to high school do this for a living; I’ll figure it out. 

It wasn’t easy. I’m now the owner of a torx screwdriver. And of course once I got the filter case out of its extremely buried spot, it started to rain hard. That sucked, but I got it all back in, reattached all hoses, and got out of the downpour.

I highly recommend challenging yourself with something tricky like this. It’s entirely satisfying. And cost-saving. Suck it, Jiffy Lube. And Germans.