Monday, October 30, 2017


Idea: a fake ID that says you’re only 14 so you can get cheaper buffets.

That said, on Friday I was treated to weekend yummy burgers catered by the Big Wave Grill food truck.

I think my weekend was a tad better than others’.  My friend Diana was up in San Francisco for a wedding. Here’s our text conversation:
ME: How was it? 
DIANA: It was really good! Until… toward the end of the night, the newlyweds tried to pull off the dirty dance move, in which the chick is lifted up into the air. The bride weighs nothing and acting like she was an NBA player and flew over her husband, who’s about 6’, tumbled over his arms, fell on her tailbone and then her forearm. Poor thing looked like she had a golf ball sticking out of her head. 
I checked in on the bride’s condition this morning:
DIANA: She’s still in the hospital as they learned she fractured her back. 
 It’s the day every little girl dreams about.