Monday, January 28, 2013

Partnering Up With The Wedding Party.

I pretend all the loser friends I hang out with are just Christian Bale in Oscar-nominated roles as the loser friends I hang out with.

But the great friends? Love ‘em. I was honored to be a best man in my friends Bru and Aina’s wedding in the Philippines a few months ago, and now I’m thrilled to be teaming up on a project with them.

I can’t get into specific details yet, but recently we entered a contest and were one of four finalists given money to shoot a commercial. If our idea beats our fellow finalists, the commercial will run locally during the Super Bowl this Sunday.

The final cut was due this morning, so we (mostly Bru and Aina, as I was weighed down by another writing assignment), sprang into action, assembled a cast and crew, found a location and shot it on Saturday. Bru directed it. I was first assistant director. Aina was line-producer. We cast every great actor friend of ours and they really nailed it.

It’s up to the judges now, but it’s our hope that they’ll see it and fall over in love. They’ll be smitten, unwise and undone. They’ll start scribbling out checks before they can stop themselves, begging us for more.

Fingers crossed.