Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Keep It Down Or I’ll Call Someone Really In Charge.

Let’s face it: there’s no one less in-charge than a guy blowing a whistle.

Yeah, I’m not a fan of cops. And Sunday at midnight, there was a serious ruckus of sirens and a police chopper in my neighborhood. It seems some gang-member’s Golden Globe after-party must have gotten out of hand, and he stole a Camry and started a two-hour chase that blew right past my apartment.

That’s him, above, just after he passed my place.

I flipped on my TV and watched the police manage not to bungle this one (way to wait for him to run out of gas, heroes), but it did set Ricky and I on edge late night, or so I thought, until I saw this. Click below – and watch it until the end – from some guys living in Inglewood: