Friday, September 14, 2012

Life Sentence.

Yesterday, my sister in law, Simine, told me she was at the local aquatic center with my niece and nephew when two women ran into the place and told her some crazy broad had just hit and run Simine’s car in the parking lot. They knew who the woman was.

“Did you have her arrested?” I asked. “No,” replied Simine.

She did call the police though, who showed up and called the hit and run woman at home, and the woman denied it like crazy.

“Now did you have her arrested?” I asked. “No,” replied Simine.

The hit and run woman then told the cop that her mother was driving the car, which was a bald-faced lie, and a super classy move.

“Now did you have her arrested?” I asked. “No,” replied Simine.

The cop advised the woman she’d better come back to the aquatic center or else, to which she asked if she could just settle it over the phone.

“Now did you have her arrested?” I asked. “No,” replied Simine.

The cop threatened he’d come get her, and the woman gave in, finally showing up after a long while. She realized they had her dead to rights and admitted she’d lied about her mom being the driver.

“Now did you have her arrested?” I asked. “No,” replied Simine. “The woman had two shrieking kids in her car, and they carried on for hours.”

And it was then that I realized what Simine already knew: this bitch is already in jail.