Monday, September 17, 2012

Best Performer.

For anyone who lost his rent money betting on USC or more hilarious worse, the Patriots – over the weekend, have I got a lock for you: Joaquin Phoenix will win the Oscar this year.

You’re welcome, degenerates.

Joaquin plays Freddie Quell in Paul Thomas Anderson’s new film The Master. Freddie is violent and self destructive and suffering from severe PTSD while mixing all sorts of outrageous concoctions of booze to stay perpetually drunk (his secret ingredient: paint thinner.) Let’s just say it’s a movie full of Scientology-type characters, yet he’s the crazy one.

This is a performance of Heath-Ledger-as-the-Joker proportions. Joaquin has already locked up my vote for the SAG awards, and I’ve convinced no fewer than a dozen others to do the same. I’m a fan, okay?