Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Recap.

Hey hippies: as much as I hate when you shove a petition in my face outside Trader Joe’s, if you create one demanding a customer dress code, hand me a pen… What do you get when you a cross a Zach Galifianakis-type beard with a catchy Outkast tune? A pretty kickass cover… House Café has become such a regular haunt for my friends and I that the chef there sends out complimentary dishes for us. So the least I can do is highly recommend the place, and here goes: House is amazing. You can order breakfast anytime, the daily specials are delicious and uniquely prepared, the ice cream sandwich with chocolate sauce is fancy and perfect, and the specialty is heirloom tomato soup. My specialty, by the way, is doing the least I can do… I can’t get enough of the Olympics, and I love having seven networks featuring programming. I never thought I’d utter this sentence, but Croatian women basketball players are super hot.