And there’s one stat in particular that I have heard so many acting teachers and coaches F up, and as apparently the last hetero male actor in all of Los Angeles, it’s on me to stop this.
Here’s what they all love to say, as a motivational analogy to help us accept rejection: “Babe Ruth could not have been the home run king without also being the all-time strike out king!”
Right, except on the all-time list of most strikeouts for a batter, Babe Ruth is not first. He’s 99th. And after a couple of active players pass him this season, he’ll be 101st.
Am I going overboard? Nah. The only thing I’m guilty of is loving the Yankees. And wanting to punch the next misinformed acting teacher in the face. And shove a coffee filter down his pants. But, in my defense, I believe assault should be legal if a person is a jerk.