Thursday, January 26, 2012

Get Your Butt To LA, Part 35: There Will Be Lulls.

Sometimes you’re in the zone, booking auditions, nailing roles, driving doubles into the gap. And then most times, it feels like trying to move a sleeper sofa up a flight of stairs.

These are the lulls. Every actor no matter how successful has suffered through them. Sometimes you’ll get so sick of moving like a slug. You’ll want to move like a cheetah. Or a slug driving a remote-controlled car. Well, maybe something more plausible than that, but fast.

Remember, it’s impossible to work every day. It’s why you can never ask an actor if he’d recommend his agent. 99% of them will tell you their agents are worthless, and not getting them auditions. But do you really think agents are ignoring us? Don’t our paychecks put food on their tables? Trust me, they’re submitting us. And so are the agents for 12,000 other actors for each role, so hang in there.

Tom Hanks has said that after “Bosom Buddies” went off the air, he didn’t work a year, and one year for an unemployed actor felt like five years. He began to accept that he’d had a good, short run, and now it was over. But then he auditioned for Splash, and thirty years later he’s still working his ass off.

That’s how it works. And by the way, this isn’t a business of “turns.” Really? Like, “When will it be my turn to play shortstop for the Yankees?” Relax. Everyone who wants it bad enough makes it.

So have fun in between the work. And know that it won’t always be this way. Patience and persistence. And when that big, life-changing opportunity arises, be ready.