Saturday, August 27, 2011

Let’s Play Two.

There's only one person in the world who decides what I'm going to do, and that's my pet hamster Mr. Poopers.

So I have only him to blame for signing myself up for two casting workshops this morning. I thought it was a cool, dedicated move, and even cooler because it coincidentally is happening the same day my Yankees have a double header in Baltimore (turns out Hurricane Irene wound up postponing the Yanks’ games), though my version of a double header is a real bitch.

I have to go 30 miles early this morning to The Valley, learn a scene and perform it in a reasonable amount of time, and then I’ll have about five minutes to drive 25 miles south to Culver City to do it all over again.

Oh, by the way, I have another workshop early tomorrow. Three in 24 hours. So if you see me out, say hello to my friend Huge Sweat Stain. He’ll be with me all day.