Monday, February 28, 2011

And Women Think I’m Noncommittal.

When I began writing this blog, I needed a name for it, so I searched what was already being used. Dozens of URLs I wanted were already taken by other actors who set out to chronicle their lives in Hollywood. However, each one of their blogs contained the same typo: where it said “I’ll write every day,” it was supposed so say “I’ll write for three days, then eff this.”

Meanwhile, last Monday marked the three-year anniversary of my blog. (I'm committal, but apparently forget milestones.) I won’t chastise my fellow actor/bloggers for giving up on what I have been able to maintain; they’re just not wired quite like me. (Case in point: yesterday, battling horrendous flu, I still got up early, worked out, went to a three-hour improv class and played ball at night. Get to know me.)

Three years in, and here’s the moral: you can’t always hold yourself to the expectations you hold yourself to.

* * *

Congrats, Aaron.