Monday, June 7, 2010

Let’s Play Seven.

You'd be amazed how much I want to see a Boston team to win a championship. Assuming you'd be amazed by "not one f'n bit."

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all blog.

The Knicks are my team, so I really couldn’t care less about the Celtics, or for that matter the Lakers. But I am a huge fan of traffic-free freeways, and whenever a Laker playoff game is going on, people in this town stay home and watch it. Which means I can take pics like the one above, at 75 mph during game one of the NBA finals. That was Thursday rush hour, normally a shitstorm for commuters.

So, the Celtics tying up the series last night is damn good for me, and means I’ll be able to get out and get stuff done for at least three more games. Anybody need dry cleaning picked up? Dog dipped for fleas? Carton of smokes? Call me on the celly.