Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Too Smart? That's Unpossible.

After years of hanging around with the palookas I grew up with in New York, going off to college in the DC area was a culture shock. My new classmates were well-read and aware. They even watched the news. Their upbringings made mine look positively Amish.

I was convinced the New York public school education wasn’t worth a plug nickel – until yesterday, when I found out it may be worth a quarter of a million bucks.

I got a call yesterday from the casting director for “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?”, who said there was some concern at the show that I did too well on my audition a couple weeks ago. They like a range of contestants, and wanted to double-check my skills with a second test right then over the phone.

I actually found it to be much easier than the first. Here are the questions, and my answers:
  1. The vowels in the English language and A, E, I, O, U and sometimes what? Y (CORRECT)
  2. Who was the sixth President of the United States? John Quincy Adams (CORRECT)
  3. How many verses are there in a haiku? Three (CORRECT)
  4. True or false: water vapor is a gas turned into a liquid? False (CORRECT)
  5. What is the minimum age required to become President? 35 (CORRECT)
  6. What do you call two lines that never intersect? Parallel (CORRECT)
  7. How many moons does the planet Mercury have. I guessed two (INCORRECT – the correct answer is “none”)
  8. What do you call an animal that eats both plants and meat? Omnivore (CORRECT)
  9. The twin cities are Minneapolis and what? St. Paul (CORRECT)
I got eight out of nine, which is good, but hopefully not too good. Keep them fingers and toes crossed.