Friday, January 8, 2010

A Public Apology.

What else did Petey get for Christmas? A urinary tract infection. Thanks, kennel.

I’m no expert, but I sensed something might wrong when he pissed blood all over my couch. While his red on the green couch was downright festive, I figured I oughta race him down to the vet, where he was taken into the back to for a catheter pee sample.

When the vet tech came walking back out, above is what she looked like. It seems Petey was pretty generous with his gift to her.

I told her I was sorry, but had to ask if any of the pee actually made it into the cup – she said yes – and if she had a change of scrubs – she said no. Then I added insult to injury by seeing if she’d let me take a pic. She did. She’s a sport.

A few days of antibiotics later, and Pete is back to normal. Ah, parenthood.