Friday, December 11, 2009

Drop-Dead Namedropping.

I’d kinda been hoping I wouldn’t see the inside of Jay Leno’s green room until I had some tremendous project to plug. Yet there I was, in the epicenter of Hollywood success, and the only thing close to a project for me was combating the silverfish behind my toilet.

Jay Leno is the latest celeb on the Winter Olympic Voiceover Tour. Really good guy. Does dress in all denim. Isn’t as tall or heavy in person as you'd expect. And he's very composed – as we recorded him, people kept entering the room and interrupting, but he kept his cool and was gracious. He’s a calmer man than I.

As much as I tried not to enjoy being there, I just wasn’t successful. Though as we walked out, Matt Damon came strolling in with his wife and daughter, and for a second I wished a gypsy had switched Matt and I at birth. Just tell me that the Oscars are on the same par as the Tacoma Film Festival, and I’ll sleep better tonight.