Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Threw Up In My Mouth A Little.

It’s looking more and more likely that my union will be going on strike soon, meaning this could prove to be another truly threadbare TV season. It also means that actors like me, who rely on this town to be buzzing as much as possible, will be begging for food, money and blog ideas.

To replace scripted TV series, networks will be airing even more reality shows. And I would rather get a Dirty Sanchez than watch reality shows.

Pictured above is the latest addition to the annals of TV history: a reality show pitting choirs against each other. Choirs? Really? Were the DMV workers already booked?

Maybe this show can be put to good use: lock my union reps and the studio execs together in a room with “Clash of the Choirs” running on a loop, until both sides hammer out a deal. About 15 seconds oughta do it.