Perv repellant. If a young actor happens to stumble upon this, maybe he'll avoid an encounter with Creepy British Manager.
I'm forced to shower every now and then. Few things behoove me to get off my pasty white butt more than a public recording of my wheelings and dealings.
Raising my self-esteem above junior high school levels. The plight of every actor is that his career isn't substantial enough. Recapping my gigs helps me realize that I've already come a long way. And that my parents were wrong and I matter.
Me write gooder. I have been known to dabble with screenwriting, and a daily entry helps me flex my creative writing muscles. And where else do I get to use words like "shart" and "tranny"?
Suck in that gut, Tubs. Lastly, with today's photo, I get to share with the world my spot-on Hasselhoff impression.