Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Orange County Fair Food Drive-Thru.

Someday, I want a role in which my character eats a chili dog. I’ll keep screwing up my lines so that they have to keep bringing me chili dogs. 

I can eat. Therefore the I love the OC Fair. I go every year with my brother’s family, always joking with my nephew that I’m there for the “rides.” He knows better. Surrounding the rides is wall-to-wall junk food. It takes place every summer on giant, dedicated concrete fairgrounds (so big and perfect, developers have salivated for years trying to turn the property into a massive apartment complex.) 

This year, because of the pandemic, the fair was cancelled – an unfortunate loss for hundreds of vendors – so they wisely shifted to a drive-through food-only experience, and extended it through October. I went there Saturday, picked up a massive amount of treats, and surprised my brother with them. 

Left lane is for ordering food, right lane is for passing. I regret not picking up deep-fried bacon-wrapped shrimp. 

Here’s what made it to my house: cinnamon bun, Australian battered potatoes (I read there’s no such thing, but we Americans will fall for this yummy shit), mac ‘n cheese egg rolls and a giant turkey leg. Deep-fried cookie dough stayed with my nephew. Also the very appreciative staff handed out gift-bags as I exited, which included a free t-shirt. 

That’s right. I said mac ‘n cheese egg rolls, and they are unbelievably delicious. The noodles and crispy wrapper are a perfect combination. My biggest mistake was grossly underrating how many I could eat.