Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Turn Down The Volume And Listen.

WFAN in New York was the very first 24-hour sports radio station. Wives, you have them to blame. The afternoon duo that put the FAN on the map was called Mike and the Mad Dog. The Mad Dog is Chris Russo, a man so loud and ineloquent I feel sorry for the alphabet. 

In spite of his mushmouth, Chris is engaging (and married to a woman who was a grade ahead of me in high school) and for a long time he and Mike were the voices of New York sports. These days Chris has his own channel on Sirius XM: Mad Dog Radio. 

Today, one of my best friends, Rob Weintraub, will be on the show promoting his new book The Divine Miss Marble, the true story of a very mysterious pro tennis player. It’s been getting great reviews. 

4 p.m. EST. Channel 82.