Thursday, July 2, 2020

What To Watch This Long Weekend.

I’m finally getting around to calling all those kids that wrote in my middle school yearbook “We should hang out this summer.”

I know – no one of will be hanging with anyone this summer, including Frank Tassone. He’d better not show his face in the Roslyn school district ever.

I would have recommended Bad Education when it first aired in April, but I was busy forcing my dog to act. Now I’m telling you – watch it on whatever HBO is currently calling its on-demand app. The movie would have been in theaters, but HBO wisely snatched it up at Sundance and aired it themselves.

It’s riveting. It’s a true story. It’s SO Long Island. It stars Hugh Jackman and Allison Janney. I made my mom stay up late and watch it the week it began airing, and she loved it. Who are you to disagree?