Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Once Again, Going Under The Knife.

Leap year means nothing when you have bad knees.

Just ask Ricky. After tearing his CCL (the canine equivalent of an ACL) in his left leg five years ago, which required major surgery, he has now torn the CCL in his right leg.

Ricky’s been a real trooper thus far, getting around on three legs until his surgery will be performed March 3rd. Then the sad, long recovery begins, in which he’ll be mostly drugged so he doesn’t rip out his staples. (Also sad: the $6000 price of this procedure.)

Thank you to my nephew, who kept Ricky company when he hurt his leg over the weekend. Now the meds keep him pretty happy. But I feel really bad for him because he has no idea the uncomfortable ten weeks heading his way.

It happens, and you get through it. You either love dogs or you don’t.