Monday, February 3, 2020

Me Too.

Vandalism should be allowed on any vehicle whose alarm has been going off for more than five minutes.

But not on a vehicle rented by well-meaning guys keeping to themselves, guilty only of the heinous crime of wearing the opponents’ jerseys.

I’ve told this story before here, so I’ll give the short version. I went with fellow Jets fans to see our team play in Kansas City a few years ago. We tailgated a bit in the parking lot, and were honestly our normal happy, friendly bunch. After the game, we found our rented SUV covered in spit and with a cracked windshield.

Yesterday, needing a reason to root for one team over another in the Super Bowl, I chose the 49ers, because their fans don’t behave as badly as Shakira faked playing guitar and drums. Unfortunately, the team with animals for fans won.

So congrats, KC. You’re winners. And yet you’ll always be losers.