The only people on this planet worse than ISIS are the ones in jury pools who are IN A JURY POOL but don’t know THEY’RE IN A JURY POOL.
The judge told us the case would be in deliberations today, finishing up, but instead, they’re still choosing a jury, because the potential jurors can’t answer simple yes or no questions without long pauses and even longer answers.
It’s like being at the mercy of the slowest passengers getting off a plane, only worse. People who won’t take trains because they’re a couple of hours slower than planes need to meet the people who take planes.
Maybe I’ll spice things up today by reading this blog entry out loud in court so I can get held in contempt. Jury of your “peers.” Right.
The judge told us the case would be in deliberations today, finishing up, but instead, they’re still choosing a jury, because the potential jurors can’t answer simple yes or no questions without long pauses and even longer answers.
It’s like being at the mercy of the slowest passengers getting off a plane, only worse. People who won’t take trains because they’re a couple of hours slower than planes need to meet the people who take planes.
Maybe I’ll spice things up today by reading this blog entry out loud in court so I can get held in contempt. Jury of your “peers.” Right.