Penny Marshall can etch a whole lot more. After starring in a huge sitcom, she had an amazingly impressive second act as a director, shooting great films like Big and A League of Their Own. (Which is completely timeless, and the highest grossing baseball movie of all time. It made more than twice as much as Field of Dreams.) Plus another classic: Awakenings, with Robert DeNiro and Robin Williams.
65 years in showbiz. She was a massive talent. Take her ex-husband Rob Reiner’s word for it. May all of our exes tall about us as glowingly:
I loved Penny. I grew up with her. She was born with a great gift. She was born with a funnybone and the instinct of how to use it. I was very lucky to have lived with her and her funnybone. I will miss her.— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) December 18, 2018