Wednesday, May 23, 2018

New York Leftovers.

The only thing I learned from Anthony Bourdain is that the way to truly enjoy traveling is to get blackout drunk everywhere you go.

Here’s what occurred to me while traveling to New York last week:

While glancing at the screen of the passenger sitting in front of me, I wondered if a movie has ever become dated faster than You’ve Got Mail. A woman who owns a small, profitable bookstore feels threatened by a hugely popular mega-chain bookstore opening in her neighborhood. She uses AOL dial-up to log in to the internet and converse with an anonymous man. (And buys tall, decaf cappuccinos at Starbucks for $2.95.)

Best-dressed flyer of the year. May we all aspire to be this gent.

It took me ten seconds to get this, but it’s a brilliant headline.

Ring Pop at the Yankee game. I’m the Pope of the Bronx.