I like my Facebook messages like my Harry Potter novels: unread.
But I am thoroughly enjoying Sick in the Head, Judd Apatow’s anthology of interviews with comedians. I especially liked the introduction to his chat with Jimmy Fallon:
But I am thoroughly enjoying Sick in the Head, Judd Apatow’s anthology of interviews with comedians. I especially liked the introduction to his chat with Jimmy Fallon:
I don’t understand Jimmy Fallon. He’s fast, witty, handsome, musical, inventive, a confident performer, a great listener – and he is definitely having more fun than the rest of us combined. I always thought comedy came from pain. I thought it was impossible to do it if you are also an enthusiastic, hopeful, energetic person. Most talk show hosts are fun to watch because they seem so miserable, but Jimmy is the opposite. I wanted to speak with him to figure out how he became this way – with the secret hope that it would help me shed some of my old, boring, neurotic, my-pain-is-so-old-I-don’t-even-remember-where-it-came-from BS. I think I got my answer but I am not sure I can make it work for me. (I think he is happy because he is not a Jew.)