Wednesday, December 14, 2016

My Gift To You: A Great Gift Idea.

My Christmas shopping will be financed by my swear jar again this year.

And I’ve put that cash to good use, getting my mom personalized wrapping paper featuring Ollie, her Cocker Spaniel. Go to Gift Wrap My Face, and you can do the same, featuring your face, or your kids’ faces, etc. It’s a heck of a lot more convenient than a lifetime ban from Toys R Us.

Oh, and before you think I spoiled my mom’s gift by posting it here, she already knows about it. She opened it by mistake after I had it sent to me at her home’s address, where I’ll be staying for the holidays. A happy mistake, that is, since she can use it this Christmas. I am winning this holiday.

You can, too. Go here: Gift Wrap My Face.