Monday, September 22, 2014

Like Answering A Flat Screen.

I had my first encounter with the iPhone 6 Plus, as my friend Bru is The Earliest Adopter. How big is it? Bru had me call the phone, and when my face popped up on his screen, is was pretty much life-size… Seriously, this phone is so big, that in order to have a conversation on it, you can’t talk and listen at the same time. You just constantly move it up and down to your ear, then your mouth. Not good, unless you have a Tony Robbins-size noggin... Truth in advertising: anyone see the commercial in which frat guys whoop it up at a party as they pound their favorite beverage: Coke Zero... According to “Boardwalk Empire,” 1920s Atlantic City was a tough town. And a fairly active lesbian scene.