Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Recap: An iPhone™ Photo Gallery.

My friend Gary’s three young daughters had him up at 5:30 a.m., and one of them ate his yogurt, so if he wants to order two breakfasts for himself when he gets the hell out of Hell, I am not going to question it. Watching the Jets at Sharkeez.

Cute, but I hope they don’t get shitcanned like the members of Menudo when they reach a certain age. Puppy party for my nephew’s birthday. 

Does a mini-sized Pinkberry count as payment? If so, yes. Donating blood at the Red Cross. 

I swear I don’t live in the ghetto, but this ain’t helping. Chicken coop down the street. 

Ricky, contemplating lunch. Chicken coop down the street.