People often ask me why I don’t stay in New York for New Years Eve, and the reason is simple: Times Square is what would happen if a spam filter came to life.
So by the time you read this, I’ll be clean shaven and on a flight back to LA. Time to go to work.
Happy Amateur Night. I urge you not to drink and drive, but by all means, feel free to drink and text me. Talk then.
Actually, it’s a one-bedroom. But living in an apartment is one of the many sacrifices I make while I happily pursue my dream. And I love the pursuit. I love the people, the challenges, the city of Los Angeles, and, most of all, the feeling that makes my heart quicken every time I get to do the thing that I love: acting.
My name is Matt Shevin. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @mattshevin
See my headshots, reels and assorted goodness here: