Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This Week In @mattshevin Tweets.

I went a little Penn State berserk:

  • The most heinous crime in all the Penn State scandal is Susan Paterno’s wig.
  • And here I thought Penn State was the ultimate safety school. #irony
  • I'm taking the Nittany Lions to cover. #PunState
  • Joe Paterno hangs his head under the huge weight of his incredibly thick glasses. #bulletproof
  • “Support the victims of child abuse. Flip over a news van.” #NoteToSelf #BumperStickerIdea
  • Your best defense is a fancy civil attorney from D.C.
  • Hey Franco Harris – instead of telling us Joe Paterno shouldn't have been fired, stick to what you do best. #RunningOutOfBounds
  • Penn State interim coach Tom Bradley: “Coach Paterno will go down in history as one of the greatest men." #DrConradMurrayACloseSecond
  • Coming soon: more busts at Penn State than all of their running-back draft picks combined.