Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Sidebar.

There are total misuses of canvas – cargo pants, pledge-drive tote bags, old-timey pilot helmets – and then there are excellent uses.

Inside the Actor’s Studio Apartment is proud to welcome a new sponsor: easycanvas.com. The folks at Easy Canvas wanted to advertise on my blog, but first asked me to check out and approve of their work. So they took one of my headshots, printed it, framed it and sent it to me. It’s gorgeous.

Their sidebar ad runs on the right side of this page. Click on it and check out their website. Print up something big and great for yourself. Or if you’re scratching your head trying to find the perfect gift, well right this way, professor.

You’ll set the gift-giving curve with whoever receives it, and expect something almost as thoughtful and cool in return. (A bag of cash is always cool, but only slightly thoughtful.)

Thanks, Easy Canvas. It’s a pleasure.