Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Last night, at the end of a five-hour long acting class, I didn’t get up to leave so much as I got paroled.

And when I’ve been off the grid for a while, there’s no better way to catch up on the world than with the Interweb and the AP wire, which yesterday featured two of the least surprising stories ever:

1) Mark McGwire did steroids. The best adjective I saw that described this jerkoff was “feckless.” (Remember – use a word three times and it’s yours.) And apparently the only person in the world that didn’t know that McGwire was on the juice was his own manager, whose attention to detail is about as atrocious as his mullet.

And just as I picked my jaw off the floor…

2) My favorite skank got a show on Fox News. I’ve never had the pleasure of watching this network, but I may have to tune in for what promises best new slapstick comedy of the year.

I’ve got a meeting with my agent today. Perhaps I’ll find out Reagan had Alzheimer’s when it’s done.