Monday, January 25, 2010

And Then, Depression Set In.

How much did the Jets’ loss in the AFC championship hurt? Let’s just say I had Vicodin and eggs for breakfast this morning.

If you don’t dig sports, I can kind of see why you’d have trouble understanding the allegiance fans feel for their teams. But bragging rights – rubbing a nice win in the face of an opposing fan – is just the best.

Last week, as my friends and I ventured into foreign territory and tailgated in San Diego, we took our fair share of razzing from Charger fans. My main problem with it wasn't so much that the taunts were mean; they just weren’t funny. It was like being surrounded by 75,000 Jay Lenos.

As game-time approached, we wove our way through tightly-parked cars toward the stadium, until we bumped into a very large Charger fan who wouldn’t step aside and let us past him. He wasn’t kidding around. Harsh words were exchanged as we backtracked and found another opening.

In the end, we had the ultimate revenge: our team, the heavily underdog Jets, upset his team. I’m sure it tasted really lousy.

I’m sharing this story so that all of you non sports-fans can get a glimpse into why we root hard for our teams. Sure, what transpired with that douchebag was pretty much a dick-measuring contest. And apparently he had a tiny one, and ours extended all the way to Indianapolis, bitch.

Thank you, Jets. Great season.