Back in Cali, I tried to explain to Danielle the Hottie Haircutter the term “wind chill factor.” I should have stabbed my ears with the cutting shears as a demo… What do you get when you pair my favorite actor with my favorite director?
Up in the Air, the second-best movie of the year. (
Inglorious Basterds is #1.) Us Jews saw it Christmas Eve – now it’s your turn… My mom’s neighbors have a litter of nine kids. I’d call that some serious W.T. action if they didn’t live in such a cool, 200-year-old house (next door to the one above, which is the one I grew up in)… I put on six pounds in the first two days here, thus unseating my dog for the title of chubbiest dude in our apartment… More pornstaches on the TV news teams here than I remember… The term “bums” is very much kept alive by Mets fans who call in to bitch about their team on local sports radio.