Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Stadium. New Trophy.

What the crap? He’s writing about baseball again? Hey – it could be worse.

There are few bigger Yankee fans than I. I watched every game this season, and now my team is world champions.

Couple of thoughts:

Before the season, my friend D.B. Sweeney, a New Yorker who has no business being a Red Sox fan, told me that no team with ARod would ever win the World Series. As a Sox fan, D.B., you should have known that everyone eventually gets his day. And you owe me three beers at Barney’s.

And Philly fans – really? Cheering after ARod got hit by pitches? I haven’t seen that many riled-up dirtbags since CVS decided to put the cold medicine behind the counter.

I do try to keep most of this blog acting-centric, and I still can with this entry. You see, even though I’ve waited nine years for the Yankees to win it all again, I actually didn’t see the first two innings last night, because I had an audition. And I didn’t see the Yanks clinch the pennant either, because I had a casting workshop.

Michael Caine wrote in his book, “If you really want to become an actor, but only providing that acting doesn’t interfere with your golf game, your political ambitions, and your sex life, you don’t really want to become an actor. Not only is acting more than a part-time job, it’s more than a full-time job. It’s a full-time obsession.”

ARod finally got his ring. I’ll get mine.