Thursday, June 25, 2009

What They’ve Learned.

I've got a busy day, so I’m turning the reins over to the good readers of the best magazine, Esquire, and what they’ve learned:

There is nothing wrong with a barbecue in the park that a piñata can't fix. --Luciano Noble, 27, Los Angeles

Everything before the “but” is bullshit. --Jordan Wallens, 32, Los Feliz, California

Traveling alone rocks. You can eat when you're hungry, nap whenever you're tired, see whatever you want to see when you want to see it, and meet whoever you want simply by asking them to take your picture. --Mike W. Miller, 35, Chicago

The only thing I ever got from doing free work was an opportunity to do more free work. --Barry Friedman, 47, Tulsa

If you know what you want, somehow you get there. --Keith Bradshaw, 56, Garland, Texas

People who are vociferous about their ability to multitask are usually just good at being a jackass and a moron at the same time. --Mike Shinners, 37, Torri di Quartesolo, Italy

If a woman asks you how many sexual partners you've had, the only answer is twelve. --Mark Motroni, 39, Manhasset, New York

A child's laughter is the greatest sound in the world. A child's laughter in a cornfield is the creepiest sound in the world. --John Buckler, 26, Lansing, Michigan

A minivan is the first indication that someone has given up. --Doug Gonterman, 38, Suwanee, Georgia

Some people will volunteer for just about any job, no matter how crappy. Try to sit next to these people in meetings. --Bob Sorensen, 47, Herndon, Virginia