Thursday, May 21, 2009

Festivus, Part XVI.

It’s official: put it out there to Jesus, Buddha – whichever god you pray to – and you shall be rewarded. I needed a cure for Cannes withdrawal, and it came in the form of yet another festival accepting my film. Only this time it comes with a free suite in a swank ski lodge.

#16 on The Beneficiary International Tour is the Breckenridge Festival of Film, which was kind enough to offer the free digs, along with a liaison who'll guide me throughout the weekend, introduce my film, then talk me up before I participate in a Q&A.

So I’ll be there, next month, pimping it up where the deer and the antelope get processed into nifty reading lamps.

Between Cannes and this, I’d better not get too used to the good life. So pardon me for a second while I take a look at my Wells Fargo statement….. ah, there is – I’m back down to earth.