Friday, May 8, 2009


I hate to show up anywhere empty-handed. And while a beer ball is good for just about any occasion, I figured I oughta call an audible for the trip to Cannes.

Pictured above is what’s coming with me: credit-card sized flash drives that have my film downloaded onto them. I’ll hand them out to anyone with some pull, and these industry hitters can plug them into their computers and watch The Beneficiary on their plane rides home.

The idea to create these was a crapload easier than the actual execution, and for that I owe an incredible debt of gratitude to my friend Jeff Nicosia, who not only took his time crushing the movie down to a downloadable size, but came over to the Studio Apartment and spent a half a day designing the artwork. Talk about a sharp design – when I received them yesterday I got so much wood I could have punted with my peep.

In a way, it doesn’t surprise me that Jeff would be this outgoing – it’s his M.O. When my big brother got married, Jeff, sensing the bride and groom may need a little help with the ceremony, took it upon himself to show up hours early to the outdoor setting in Beverly Hills. Dressed in shorts in sweltering heat, he directed the hired help, spiffed up the podium, and made the whole setup look amazing. Then he changed into a suit and performed wedding usher duties. Who does that?

Jeff is an excellent creative director/copywriter by trade. Wanna pull your company out of the depression? Go to his website and hire the man.

Meanwhile, prepare yourselves, studio execs – I got a fistful of flash drives and I’m not afraid to distribute them.