Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Resolution.

This year, I’m going to dedicate all of my free time to helping those less fortunate. Absolutely.

Though… I just heard Emily Blunt is newly single.

Okay, so I’ll dedicate part of my time to pursuing Emily. And the rest to those less fortunate.

However, Emily does live in England, so I’ll have to allow for travel time. But besides that, the less fortunate people have got my full attention.

And Emily is hot, so I’d better make sure to remain in tip-top physical condition by hitting the gym every day. And I’d better allow time to accompany her to movie premieres. And press junkets. And visiting her on location at her shoots. Plus birthdays and holidays. Meeting her folks. Vacation time at our spacious Italian villa by Lake Como, where you know George Clooney’s going to insist we come over to barbecue.

Well, whatever time’s left over after that, those less fortunate are getting 110% of it.

Happy New Year.