Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Help Me Help Me.

When I hit it big, I’ll definitely use my celebrity to help a very needy cause. I’m thinking lactose intolerance. Or inverted nipples. I’m not sure.

In the meantime, I’d like to address a malady that has been running rampant among actors lately. This insidious disease is known as “Upstaging”.

The first signs of Upstaging occur when a good actor is paired with a crap actor in a casting workshop. Like, for example, me last night. Instead of cheating our faces out (angling them slightly toward the casting director, instead of facing each other straight-on) my scene partner stood further away from the CD than me, thus forcing me to turn my head toward her. The result was that the casting director got a good view of the back of my head.

Upstaging has been elevated to pandemic levels lately. But the good news is that the readership of this blog has grown tremendously, giving me a bigger pulpit on which to preach. This disease may not yet be curable, but it can be controlled.

We can beat this thing. My fame and fortune depend on it.