Thursday, October 2, 2008

TiVo-Tip Thursday.

I meant to post this two weeks ago, before the season premiere, but I got caught up with more important subjects. Like houses who wear bowties and big white gloves.

Finally, a slot opened up to pronounce that “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, which airs two new episodes every Thursday night, is one of the best shows on TV.

The show centers on five owners of a pub in Philly, each of whom are more shallow than the next. Danny DeVito loved the writing so much that not only did he want his company to produce it, he joined the cast for almost no salary.

The episode titles alone are hilarious, including: “The Gang Exploits a Miracle”, “The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation” and “Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender."

The above clip features three scenes with Charlie Day, who plays the most disturbed of the bunch with amazing commitment.

Give it a look, then call home and leave yourself a message reminding you to record it tonight. And while you’re at it, let yourself know that you are handsome, and you matter. Always works for me.