Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ah, the economy in Hollywood. We’ll never know many actors have already suffered a severe mental breakdown and begun wearing their underpants outside their clothes and talking to their Cheerios.

But while Rome is burning, I’ll light a cigar off the flames– the featurette that I wrote, produced and starred in has been accepted into its first film festival.

My film is called The Beneficiary, and it's a very dark drama whose premise came to me one day while I watched an armored truck cut off my friend’s car in traffic. That’s my character, above, perusing handguns in a pawn shop.

I just finished editing the film this past month, and last night got word that it made it into the Vine Shorts Fest in Santa Monica. The VSF grand prize winner gets a production deal to turn the short into a feature-length film. Last year’s winner starred Faye Dunaway, Malcolm McDowell and Anne Archer.

Keep those fingers and toes crossed.