Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Special Guest Blogger, Michael J. Fox

One of my favorite excerpts from his autobiography:

"Celebrities are the recipients of a hell of a lot of free stuff. At a time when I could afford to buy whatever shoes I wanted, I'd be invited down to the Nike showroom in Santa Monica, handed a huge duffel bag and invited to help myself to all the swoosh-emblazoned swag that I could stuff inside.

Once, on the 'Tonight Show,' I talked about life in the states: 'It's great, except for the beer. American beer's a little watery.' A week later, through my kitchen window I saw a giant Moosehead truck laboring up my driveway.

Even better than the real prize in this particular box of Cracker Jack: the wink. You can't buy the wink– the unspoken acknowledgment from almost everyone you encounter (shopkeepers, bouncers, maitre d's, airline ticket clerks, and even the uncivil servants of the DMV) that you've been deemed worthy of a new set of privileges; that for you the norms don't apply. You are no longer just plain folks."